Budget Friendly Lunch Plant Based Quick and Dirty

The Best Easy Peasy Mason Jar Noodle Soup

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Are you ready to embark on a culinary adventure that’s as easy as it is delicious? Enter The Best Easy Peasy Mason Jar Noodle Soup – a game-changer for the time-strapped yet health-conscious foodies out there.

Picture this: a mason jar packed with layers of flavor and wholesome goodness, waiting for you to give it a shake and indulge in a satisfying slurp. Let’s break down the magic within this jar.

The Base: Miso Marvels and Saucy Symphony
Our soup starts with a dance of flavors at the base. A tablespoon or two of miso paste sets the umami tone, followed by a soy sauce waltz (low-sodium for the savvy). A teaspoon of sesame oil adds a nutty note, and the hoisin sauce brings in a hint of sweetness. Finish it off with minced garlic and onion powder for aromatic perfection.

Veggie Extravaganza: Customize Your Crunch
This is where you become the maestro of your culinary orchestra. Chop up vibrant veggies like Bok choy, snow peas, bell peppers, baby corn, and celery. Feeling adventurous? Throw in some red cabbage, candlestick carrots, mushrooms, or sprouts. The choice is yours – make it as colorful as a Picasso.

Protein Parade: Tofu, Chicken, or Edamame – Oh My!
Next up, let’s talk protein. Shredded chicken breast, firm tofu, beef strips, or the humble edamame beans – the protein parade is on! Convenient frozen edamame beans add a burst of protein without breaking the bank.

Noodle Nirvana: Vermicelli Serenade
Complete the ensemble with a nest of rice vermicelli or your preferred thin noodle. The beauty of these noodles lies in their ability to cook effortlessly in the hot water when you’re ready to savor your creation.

Assembly Symphony: In a Jar We Trust
Now, the fun part – assembling the layers in a large mason jar. Base first, veggies next, protein takes the spotlight, and finally, crown it all with the noodle bundle. Screw on the top and admire the edible art you’ve created.

noodle soup ingredients without water in jar

The Shake Ritual: Turning Chaos into Cuisine
When the lunch bell tolls, it’s showtime. Fill your mason jar with boiling water, give it a hearty shake, and let the magic unfold. As the noodles soak in the warmth, the flavors meld into a symphony of taste that’s ready for your eager taste buds.

Desk Dining Delight: From Jar to Fork
Do you hear the applause? Your desk just became the front row to a culinary performance. Whether you transfer it to a bowl or decide to relish it directly from the mason jar, this quick and healthy noodle soup is your ticket to a satisfying and nourishing meal.

noodle soup in bowl

In a world where time is a precious commodity, The Best Easy Peasy Mason Jar Noodle Soup is the superhero your lunch routine needs. It’s not just a meal; it’s an experience – a testament that quick, healthy, and delicious can coexist harmoniously. So, why settle for ordinary when you can shake things up and slurp in style? Embrace the chaos, savor the flavor, and let the Mason Jar Noodle Soup revolution begin!

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