Thanks for checking out my blog!

I’m a fellow Hot Mess Mama who struggles with the juggling act that is motherhood.

Welcome to the glorious chaos that is “Hot Mess Mama Meal Prep,” where I spill the beans on my culinary misadventures from the East Coast of Canada.

Let’s face it, sometimes being a mom is less about Pinterest-perfect moments and more about celebrating small victories, like managing to find matching socks or remembering to eat lunch.

In this blog, where chaos reigns supreme, I acknowledge that motherhood is about survival – survival of the fittest, the funniest, and the most fabulously frazzled. Because, really, who has time for gourmet cuisine when you’re dodging Legos and searching for lost water bottles and hats all day?

I am all about finding quick and easy ways to make life easier. For example, since life is hectic and busy, i often use ChatGPT to help write my posts (I try to live by the mantra work smarter, not harder…).

I’m new to blogging and it’s only a hobby so you’ll see more content added and refined over time. Feel free to send me a message with your feedback so i can improve!

I value healthy eating because it fuels me and gives me energy to keep up with my energetic children. Sure, I still have my battles, and sometimes fall out of my healthy routines , but I’m excited to share with you some delicious easy recipes and tips that I’ve picked up along my journey. Over the years I’ve learned that we can’t really “do it all” so let’s just do our best and leave it at that!

Whether you’re a fellow mom looking for solidarity or someone just trying to make sense of the delightful mess that is life, “Hot Mess Mama Meal Prep” is here to keep you company and keep you nourished along the way. Because life’s too short for perfect kitchens!